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Find a way of moving that makes you feel good.

Therapeutic Yoga

Yoga is more than just touching your toes (in fact most days, I can't!), it's a beautiful tool to help you live better.

By better, I don't mean bendier or with infinite patience. I mean with slightly fewer aches and pains, with slightly more patience, with the thing that's heavy on your heart feeling a little bit lighter.


These sessions have supported clients through loss, terminal illness, miscarriage and much more besides. They are tailored to your unique needs and are a safe space for you to befriend your body. 


Mindfulness Walks

Be where your feet are. It's easy to say but can be hard to do - that's where guided mindfulness walks come in. 

In these sessions we drop into the body using mindfulness, forest bathing & embodied movement to come back to ourselves. 

These sessions focus on simplicity, efficacy & creating a toolkit that you can take into your own walks.

Mental Health Swims

I'm also a swim host for Mental Health Swims & you can join us for our community Dips on the third Sunday of the month. 


I've personally benefitted hugely from cold water swimming so volunteering for such a fantastic charity is a joy,

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