The Cusp - For liminal times
We all experience liminal times, whether we chose them or they choose us.

Times where things aren’t as clear as we’d like them to be.
Times where we’re not sure of the path forward.
Times when we’re just not sure what needs changing but something absolutely must.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to have someone walk through those times with you?
Someone to listen to all of the thoughts that are whizzing. Someone to bounce ideas off. Someone to cheer you on.
That's what The Cusp is all about

You are the best person I have ever spoken to about all of this & I greatly appreciate every tiny bit of you.
3 things I'd love you to know
Liminal times happen. And they’re going to keep happening even if we fight them and try to stay on a course that we’re being pulled from.
It’s really, really hard to just think your way through these times. Moving through these liminal spaces needs all of you on board - your whole being needs to feel safe enough to move forward.
You don’t have to walk this path on your own. Getting the right support will help you stop going in circles and help you take the next step forward.
Coaching the whole of you
We work cognitively - through conversation, questioning & coaching tools.
Gently uncovering any unconscious beliefs and patterns that are playing in the background.
Considerately bringing them to the light, gently probing them and understanding where they’ve come from. Then, when you’re ready, deciding which can stay and which can be let go.
We work somatically - through tuning into and working with the body.
Reconnecting to our body’s innate wisdom and learning to befriend our nervous system, learning its cues.
All the while, not forgetting that we are part of nature and, just like her, we each have seasons

Let's work together!
3 Months Support
3 months of focused 1:1 support through your liminal time
6 x bi- weekly 60 minute coaching calls or walks
A toolkit of somatic & mindful practises to support your mind & body
Weekly check in
My unwavering belief in you
Sustainer £1,200
Community £600
Supporter £1,800
Additional Voxer Support
Having my brain at the end of a voice note Monday to Friday for additional support.
Additional investment of £200
6 Months Support
6 months of focused 1:1 support through your liminal time
12 x bi-weekly 60 minute coaching calls or walks
A toolkit of somatic & mindful practises to support your mind & body
Weekly check in
My unwavering belief in you
Sustainer £2,400
Community £1,200
Supporter £3,600
Additional Voxer Support
Having my brain at the end of a voice note Monday to Friday for additional support.
Additional investment of £400
Frequently Asked Questions
What are liminal times?
Liminal, from the Latin limen meaning threshold. It’s an in-between place, a place of transition, a time of waiting and not knowing. In nature we see liminal times in dawn and dusk, at the cusp of the change of the seasons and at the brink of a weather front.
When can we start?
Well you’ve got good timing. I’ve just opened up my coaching books after a bit of a Wintering. I’d love to get started with you when you’re ready.
Is this the right coaching for me?
Great question. The Cusp is all about walking through a liminal time in your life - so that could look like a career change, a change to your family situation or anything else. My coaching is person-centred - I work with what you bring. If you’d like to see if we’re a good fit (I think the cool kids are calling it a ‘vibe-check’), shall we hop on a call?
What’s the difference between coaching and therapy?
Coaching is not a replacement for therapy. It helps you reconnect to your purpose & values and create new patterns of thinking. Therapy also helps with creating new patterns of thinking but we may also look behind a little more to figure out the root cause of your patterns.
You might want to work with a therapist alongside coaching and if you need to choose between the two, start with therapy and come to coaching when you’re ready.
I am currently training as a Psychotherapeutic Counsellor and will be taking private clients from July 2025. If you would like to register your interest for therapy with me when I have completed my training, please leave your details here.
I have a different question!
Love an inquisitive mind. You’re more than welcome to email me at or, better still, book a chat with me and bring your question list!